rotkreuzkurs-eh-header-alt.jpg Foto: A. Zelck / DRK-Service GmbH

First Aid course in English language (BG)

Ute Jurgeleit
Erste Hilfe-Ausbildung und Brandschutz-Ausbildung


Tel. 0251 3788-53

Cheruskerring 19
48147 Münster

The compact course is for anyone who wants to learn first aid or refresh their knowledge. Participation in the compact course meets the requirements for the first-aid portion of the driver’s license test for all driver’s license classes.

The certificate can also be presented in preparation for examinations in a wide range of vocational training courses and also in preparation for group leadership training.

Course topics and practical exercises

  • Self-protection and preventation of accidents
  • Helping in case of emergencies
  • Wound care
  • Dealing with joint injuries and bone fractures
  • Burns, heat/cold injuries
  • Chemical burns
  • Poisonings
  • Immediate life-saving measures such as lateral recuperation and resuscitation
  • Numerous practical exercises

"It‘s a good feeling to be able to help correctly in any emergency!"

This course will help you gain the confidence in yourself to act without hesitation in any emergency – no matter where it occurs.

Benedikt Sturm
Erste Hilfe, Rettungsdienst und Einsatzdienste


Tel. 0251 3788-97

Cheruskerring 19
48147 Münster

Overview of the Red Cross First Aid courses

Duration: 9 teaching units of 45 minutes each Course
Location: DRK-Haus, Cheruskerring 19, 48147 Münster, Germany
Trafostation, Schlaunstraße 15, 48143 Münster, Germany
Participation fee: as indicated below (only for BG participants: 0,00 Euro!*)
Dates: mainly on Saturdays from 9.00 a.m. to approx. 4.30 p.m.
Dates can be found below.
Please note: Wear sturdy shoes and appropriate clothing for the course.

Please note our general terms and conditions.

* Also for employees who are to become first aiders in their company (DGUV regulation 1) or who participated in a first aid training (basic training) to become first aiders more than two calendar years ago, if they cannot attend the courses during the working week. The participation fees will be covered by the Employer's Liability Insurance Association. Please download this form and bring it filled out.


Sa, 22.02.2025, 09:00 - 16:30 Uhr
First Aid course in English language
Dieser Erste Hilfe-Kurs wird auf Englisch durchgeführt!
auch BG-Teilnehmende zugelassen
48143 Münster, Schlaunstraße 15 - Link zur Karte
60,00 €, 8 Plätze vorhanden - anmelden
Do, 27.03.2025, 08:30 - 16:00 Uhr
First Aid course in English language
auch BG-Teilnehmende zugelassen
48147 Münster, Cheruskerring 19 - Link zur Karte
60,00 €, 20 Plätze vorhanden - anmelden